Friday, April 13, 2012

A Baylee Story

Here's one of the many reasons I love my granddaughter, Baylee. First, I need to say that she is truly a descendant of feisty female relatives, as anybody who knows us can attest to. Yesterday, she proved the point in a mighty fashion.

Adrianne and the kids were over when Kerri, Mike and Benjamin were here. As was my mother. For dinner, pizza and wings were the menu, as requested by the transplanted Maryland folks, and because our living room is small, we got the kids' little table out. Baylee was bringing out one of the little folding chairs, and my mother told her to let her help. Baylee informed Nana (politely) that she didn't need help, and could do it herself. This annoyed Nana, who waggled her finger at Baylee, and told her not to get snippy with her. So Baylee refolded the chair, carried it back into the other room, and told Nana that she could bring the chair out herself. This did NOT please my mother, who refused to do so, thus proving Baylee's point.

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