Saturday, July 9, 2016

Repost of "Friends"

I have been thinking about cleaning out the "friends" list on my FaceBook account. I have a lot of friends, and to be honest, I probably have more friends than I deserve. As I go through the list, though, I am not sure I am able to justify deleting people from my life. There are some people that I don't really know well, in fact, some I have never met. They may be friends of friends, who liked a post of mine, and requested my friendship. I thought about deleting some of them, but clearly, something drew us together, so for now, I'll keep it as is.

There are people that I disagree with politically, (very seriously, politically), but I didn't become friends with people because of politics, we connected for an entirely different reason. I'm not going to delete them. There are people that I disagree with socially. I don't approve of their lifestyle, and I wish they would get their act together and do what I think is right, but again, they are friends for an entirely different reason, so I'm not going to delete them.

Some people are filled with angst and enjoy spreading drama around the airwaves. Sometimes I find that annoying, but obviously there is a need for them to do that. It doesn't hurt me, and if it becomes too bothersome, that is what the scroll button is for.

I am bothered by some posts. Some people post many, many pictures of poor starving dogs and cats, and sometimes animals that have been cruelly abused. I have done my share of animal rescue. I despise people who abuse animals, and if I could adopt more dogs and cats who need a home, I would. I have taken to quickly scrolling through those posts, so as not to see things that literally give me nightmares. I am not always happy about seeing pictures of injured, ill, or abused children who need kidney transplants, prayers, or "likes" to help them get well. I will admit to a sense of skepticism when I read them, and I refuse to repost them. I feel the same way about missing children. It may or may not be true that if I repost such, they will be found, but I tend to believe not. I'm sorry. I'm cynical that way, even if I am admonished to do this "because if it was my child, I would want this reposted".

I will admit, though that I did remove two accounts. Why? These ladies are deceased, and I'm pretty sure they aren't going to be communicating through FaceBook. Just as an aside, when I am no longer earthly, would somebody please remind my husband to delete my account? He will have no idea what my password is, so please tell him to ask one of our daughters.  I'll meet up with you guys some other time and place, just not on FaceBook.

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